North East’s first roundtable with First Minister

Geoff recently chaired and moderated a roundtable discussion in Aberdeen with First Minister John Swinney at Energy Transition Zone Ltd’s W-Zero-1 building on the importance of the North East of Scotland’s role in driving sustainable economic growth for the regional and wider Scottish and U.K economies.

The roundtable included senior business leaders representing the region’s Life Sciences, Digital, Energy, Academic, Cultural, Food, Drink & Agriculture sectors as the First Minister made his first visit to the City since taking office.

Attendees had the opportunity to raise both the opportunities and challenges their respective organisation’s face and all were steadfast in their long term commitment to contribute to the region’s continued success.

Read other news and insights from True North here.

Geoff Aberdein, True North Managing Partner

Geoff Aberdein

Managing Partner

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POLL: 75% of Scots back North Sea oil and gas 
Three-quarters of Scots support domestic oil and gas production from the North Sea, according to new polling released today by True North. Less than a month out from the general election, the data shows 75% would rather see the UK meet its energy demands from domestic sources than import from overseas. The Scotland-wide polling, carried out by Survation, comes as the sector takes centre-stage in the ongoing election campaign, while the UK’s energy production hits the lowest level on record since 1948. By a factor of 4 to 1, people see energy companies operating in the North Sea as an economic force for good, according to the polling. That’s despite news of one of Scotland’s largest new oil projects, Buchan in the Moray Firth, has had its production pushed back by a year due to general election uncertainty.
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Labour lead the pack among voters in Scotland with little over five weeks until the country goes to the polls, according to new figures published today by True North. 36% of Scots are set to back Labour in a Westminster vote, with the party continuing to extend its lead in Scotland. The SNP could expect to win a 32% share of the vote — six points down on where they stood just two months ago. The survey, conducted by Survation between 23 and 27 May, shows Conservative and Liberal Democrat support largely unchanged at 17% and 9%. These figures demonstrate that “Labour now have a clear lead in Westminster vote intentions for the first time since the 2014 independence referendum”, according to polling expert Prof Sir John Curtice. On these figures the SNP would suffer considerable losses across central belt Scotland, reduced to a group of just 16 MPs. Labour would return the largest number of MPs from north of the border, with 28 candidates elected. The Conservatives meanwhile are projected to return eight MPs, with the Lib Dems sweeping up the remaining five seats out of a total of 57...
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North East tour for Secretary of State
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