How we work.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut velit in ex finibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum odio justo. Sed convallis.

We’re here to help.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada rhoncus dui. Proin nec faucibus lacus. Proin dictum nisl a leo dignissim, sed gravida lorem mattis. Cras metus enim, tempor in semper non.

Communication Experts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut velit in ex finibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum odio justo. Sed convallis tincidunt nulla sed aliquam. Nam egestas interdum augue, at mattis mi. (200)

Connected Advocates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut velit in ex finibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum odio justo. Sed convallis tincidunt nulla sed aliquam. Nam egestas interdum augue, at mattis mi. (200)

Policy Specialists

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut velit in ex finibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum odio justo. Sed convallis tincidunt nulla sed aliquam. Nam egestas interdum augue, at mattis mi. (200)

Strategic Thinkers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut velit in ex finibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse interdum odio justo. Sed convallis tincidunt nulla sed aliquam. Nam egestas interdum augue, at mattis mi. (200)

Duis nec pulvinar leo, eget ornare libero. Nulla lacinia quam a nunc consequat, vitae convallis purus ultricies. Proin imperdiet dui ut nisi consectetur egestas. Suspendisse at risus. (180)

John Smith

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Duis nec pulvinar leo, eget ornare libero. Nulla lacinia quam a nunc consequat, vitae convallis purus ultricies. Proin imperdiet dui ut nisi consectetur egestas. Suspendisse at risus. (180)

Jane Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Between them, Geoff and Fergus know everyone and everything there is to know in the worlds of business, media and politics.  They add serious value to many organisations as they navigate major policy and reputational challenges.

Martin Gilbert

Chairman and Business Ambassador

Case studies

General Election called for 4th July
The Westminster rumour mill starting whirling furiously earlier in the day, with Senior Cabinet members pulling out of scheduled media interviews left, right and centre and Foreign Secretary David Cameron summoned home from Albania for talks this afternoon at Number 10. The SNP’s Westminster leader Stephen Flynn sought to nail down the Tory leader on the question at PMQs at lunchtime and Sunak’s answer was as revealing as it was cryptic. On the steps of Downing Street, in the rain, just after 5pm, Rishi Sunak put speculation to bed and pulled the trigger…
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  • Political Analysis
  • Polling
North East’s M-Word event continues menopause conversation
Senior businesswomen from across the region gathered in Aberdeen to share their experiences of the menopause and hear expert advice from two guest speakers. Organised by Aileen Easton, Chief Corporate Affairs Advisor at True North Advisors and Shona Macaskill of Gary Walker Wealth Management, the “M-Word” event was the first in a series planned for the North East during 2024. The audience which gathered in W-Zero-1, in Aberdeen’s Energy Transition Zone, heard from Nicola Williams, a menopause counsellor based in Kemnay, and Kim Woolner, a holistic HR consultant from Peterhead…
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  • Events
North East tour for Secretary of State
Secretary of State for Scotland Alister Jack MP in Aberdeen for a packed programme of engagement with the energy sector. He visited Port of Aberdeen‘s new £420 million South Harbour, before an update from our client ETZ Ltd CEO Maggie McGinlay on progress with the development of the Energy Transition Zone and presentations from three exciting and innovative companies based there who are driving really exciting developments in net zero…
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  • Oil & Gas