Holyrood Garden Party and Political Awards 2023

True North enjoyed a great night with clients and friends at the annual Holyrood Garden Party and Political Awards on Thursday 7th September.

We were proud to sponsor the ‘One to Watch’ award, which our Managing Partner Fergus Mutch presented to Màiri McAllan MSP, Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition.

Since her election in 2021, Mairi has shown herself to be an extremely capable minister. She’s already made a considerable mark in government in just a short time. Given the vitally important government job she now holds, she’ll certainly be one to watch over the years ahead as government works with business to deliver net zero and a just transition for Scotland.

We were also delighted to be joined by the SNP’s Westminster leader Stephen Flynn MP, Labour Shadow Secretary of State Ian Murray MP, SNP business spokesperson in the Commons Richard Thomson MP and Labour’s energy spokesperson at Holyrood Sarah Boyack MSP, besides senior advisors from across the political spectrum.

Read latest insights and news articles here.

The Holyrood Garden Party & Political Awards 2023

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Fergus Mutch

Managing Partner

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It’s time for the SNP to take stock and acknowledge home truths
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