Navigating relationships subject of latest M-Word event

Two years since groundbreaking research first revealed that the menopause has a clear and negative impact on divorce, separation and relationships, renowned certified sex coach Dr Claire Macaulay was the guest speaker at the latest M-Word menopause awareness event for senior businesswomen in the North East.

The impact of menopause on relationships has barely been documented but Dr Macaulay – who is also a cancer doctor in Glasgow – has made it her mission to open up the conversation. Her guest speaker appearance this week was organised by Aileen Easton, Chief Corporate Affairs Advisor at True North Advisors, and Shona MacAskill, of Gary Walker Wealth Management, who are behind the M-Word events which are hosted at ONE BioHub.

Aileen Easton, of True North Advisors, said: “A survey conducted by The Family Law Menopause Project and Newson Health Research and Education in 2022 showed that 7 in 10 women (73%) who responded blame the menopause for the breakdown of their marriage.

“Sadly, only a fifth of those women had sought support to talk about the perimenopause/menopause because they didn’t, at the time, think it was a contributing factor to the breakdown of the relationship. Through her frank and fun approach, Claire succeeded in opening up a fantastic conversation about a sensitive issue– and we can’t wait to have her make a return visit.”

Aileen Easton

Chief Corporate Affairs Advisor

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Dr T shines light on brain fog for audience at June M-Word event
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